PM Groups are the mechanism by which PM Cases are generated and work is scheduled for completion.

This article provides information and guidance on the following topics related to PM Groups.

PM, Inspecting, Testing Groups Grid View

PM Groups define what tasks needs to be performed on what equipment and how often. The InfraLink PM Generator automatically creates PM Cases, or updates existing PM Cases, based on those PM Group definitions.

PM Groups are accessed and managed (e.g., created, edited) from the PM, Inspection, Testing Groups grid view. To access this view:

  1. Open the Main Menu from the top-level navigation bar.
  2. Select Manage Groups from the PM, Test, Inspect stack.

For Users with adequate Permissions, this view provides access to existing PM Groups, as well as the tools to manage (i.e., create, modify) PM Groups. The view follows InfraLink's standard grid view presentation.

Filtering Tips

Grid view filters allow Users to review the records displayed within the viewing pane. The following filters are helpful within the PM, Inspecting, Testing Groups grid view.

  • Contract -This filter limits the view to the groups associated with one or more selected Contracts. Note: Each PM Group is associated with only one Contract.
  • Category - Each PM Group generates Cases of a PM-Type Case Category. This filter limits the view to groups that generate Cases of a particular Case Category.
  • Status - This filter limits the view to PM Groups by their current status (i.e., Draft, Active, Inactive).
  • Recurrence Type - This filter limits the view to groups according to their PM frequency (e.g., daily, weekly, monthly).
  • Location - This filter limits the view to PM Groups whose scope includes at least one System Element associated with a particular Location (or its sub-locations).
  • System - This filter limits the view to PM Groups whose scope includes at least one System Element belongs to a particular (i.e., selected) System.
  • System Element Types - This filter limits the view to PM Groups associated with one or more selected System Element Types.
  • System Elements - This filter limits the view to PM Groups associated with one or more selected System Elements (i.e., specific System, Device, Component, etc.) 
  • Requires QC Certification - This filter limits the view based on PM Groups' QC Certification configuration (i.e., required, not required or both).

Creating a PM Group

Follow these steps to create a new PM Group. Please note, to take full advantage of InfraLink PM work management capabilities, PM Groups should be configured according to the PM and Inspection Plan(s).

Configure PM Groups per Plan

If you are creating a new PM Group that is very similar to an existing PM Group, it may save time to clone that existing PM Group. See the Cloning a PM Group section below.

  1. Access the PM, Inspecting, Testing Groups grid view.
  2. Select New from the commands at the top of the view.
  3. InfraLink will present the New Group form which includes two configuration tabs, General and Scope.
  4. Populate all required fields, which are marked with an asterisk ( * ) and any optional fields that apply. Refer to the field-specific guidance provided below, as well as the illustration at the bottom of this section. 
    1. General Tab - Here, the User defines the following PM Group attributes and scheduling parameters:
      1. Name -  It is a beneficial to establish a naming convention for PM Groups, which makes it easier for administrators and Users to navigate the PM schedule. It is common to include references to the Contract, Location, System and/or System Element Type being maintained, as well as the frequency.
        1. Note: A PM Group Name must be unique within the associated Contract.
        2. This name will appear everywhere the PM Group is displayed, (e.g., PM schedule, Cases, Work Tickets, work history). 
      2. Status - By default, the PM Group will be in Draft status. The PM Group Status determines whether or not the PM Generator will process the PM Group definitions and generate (or update) the corresponding PM Cases. The PM Group Status also determines whether or not changes to the PM Group definitions are allowed.
        • Draft - PM Generator does not process PM Group definitions. Any PM Group settings can be modified.
          • Note: When creating a new PM Group, it is a good practice to create the group in Draft status and allow yourself an opportunity to review the configuration and make any necessary corrections before generating the associated PM Cases.
        • Active - The PM Generator processes PM Group definitions and generates (or updates) PM Cases accordingly. PM Group settings cannot be modified.

        • Inactive - The PM generator does not process PM Group definitions. As such, a PM Group should be changed to "Inactive" status when it no longer relevant or needed. PM Group settings can be modified. (Note: Users may temporarily change a PM Group's status to Inactive to modify settings.)

      3. Description - This optional field is often used to describe the purpose, specific scheduling and/or work consideration that apply to the PM.
        1. Example: A PM defined for equipment installed in spaces with restricted access may say "All items on this PM are in the restricted areas and access needs to be coordinated ahead of time."
      4. Contract - A PM Group can be associated with only one (1) Contract. This selection will impact the options displayed in subsequent fields. 
        1. Note:
          1. Certain items (e.g., PM-Type Case Category, associated Case Workflow, Priority) must be configured and associated with the selected Contract before they can be configured for the PM Group.
          2. Only System Elements associated with the selected Contract may be included in the scope of the PM Group.
          3. Only Work Forms available under the selected Contract may be included in the scope of the PM Group.
          4. If you change the Contract selection after making selections under the Scope tab, all scope definitions will be cleared and will have to be re-created.
      5. Case Category - A PM-Type Case Category is required within the PM Group configuration. This determines the Case Category and workflow associated with all Cases generated from the PM Group, once activated.
        1. Note: The desired Case Category and workflow must be created and associated with the selected Contract prior to PM Group configuration.
      6. Default Case Priority - Cases automatically generated from the PM Group will be assigned this default Priority upon creation.
        1. Note: The desired Priority must be configured within the Contract Details prior to PM Group configuration.
      7. Job Number - This optional field applies only to Contracts or Instances that utilize Job Numbers within Case records (uncommon).
      8. Advance scheduling intervals - control how far in advance the PM Cases will be generated  
        1. Example: If the PM Group defines weekly PMs and this field is set to "2" , the PM Generator will schedule work 2 intervals in advance. That is, each time the PM Generator runs, it will make sure the PM Cases are generated for the next two weeks.
      9. QC Certification Requirements - If set to "Yes", each completed task must be reviewed by authorized User (e.g., QC specialist, Maintenance Supervisor) before the PM Case can be closed.
      10. Restrict PMs to SE Statuses - The PM Generator will generate/update PM Tasks for only those System Elements in statuses that meet selected criteria at the time the generator runs.
      11. Default Assignee(s) - Generated/updated PM Cases will be automatically assigned to any User(s) defined here.
      12. Schedule Type - Select the Schedule Type that is appropriate for the intended PM Intervals. Once a Schedule Type is selected, additional configuration fields will allow you to further refine the scheduling parameters.  
        1. Once - for work that must be performed only one time, such as initial commissioning work or a one-time / ad-hoc inspection
        2. Daily - for work that must occur every day, on specific days, or every X number of days
        3. Weekly - for work that must occur every week or every X number of weeks
        4. Monthly - for work that must occur every month or during specific months
        5. Annually - for work that must occur every year or every X number of years
      13. Schedule Range
          1. Start Date - defines when the PM Group schedule becomes applicable.
            1. The PM Generator will not process PM Group definitions (i.e., create/update PM Cases) prior to this date.
          2. End Date - defines when the PM Group schedule becomes inapplicable.
            1. You can define End Date by specifying the number of occurrences to be performed or by setting a specific date.
            2. The PM Generator will not generate additional PM Cases once the specified number of occurrences is reached or when the calculated Due Date for the next occurrence falls beyond the defined End Date.
          3. Scheduling Window - control how far in advance of their Due Date the work can be performed
            1. This setting helps control the spacing between consecutive PMs. For example, you would not want a monthly PM performed on the last week of one month and the first week of the following month.
    2. Scope Tab - Here, the User defines the System Elements associated with the PM work and the PM Tasks to be performed (i.e., Work Forms). Note: The User must make a Contract selection under the General definitions in order to specify the PM Group Scope. The Contract selection, under the General tab, determines what System Elements, Locations, and Work Forms are available for selection.
      1. Define System Elements covered by PM Group, using one of the two methods described below. (I.e., Users cannot combine the two methods for the same PM Group.) 
          1. System Element Type and Location - This is the most efficient means by which to define System Elements, and this method is practical when the System Element selection is easily and accurately defined by Location and System Element Type (e.g., camera, server, etc.) A notable benefit of this option is that newly System Elements will be automatically added to the PM, as long as they meet the PM Group's specified criteria.
            1. After selecting By System Element Type and Location, click Select SE Type(s) to select one or more System Element Types.

          2. List of select System Elements - When PM-applicable System Elements cannot be easily and accurately defined by System Element Type and Location, Users must specify the individual System Elements to be included. This may occur when the System Element selection is based on somewhat complex criteria (e.g., all items of a particular kind mounted at a particular height and requiring certain equipment to complete the work). A notable drawback of this option is that InfraLink will not automatically pick up any new items that may be installed and need to be covered by the PM. It is up to Users to manually add new System Elements to the list (i.e., PM Group Scope).
            1. Click Select SE(s)... to add System Elements one by one.
            2. Click Upload System Elements to add System Elements from an imported list (See the Uploading a List of System Elements section below for guidance).
        1. Work Form - To the right of each selected System Element Type or System Element, Users define the associated Work Form. Users can select different Work Forms representing the procedures to be performed on the different System Element Types or System Elements (based on the method selected above.) Note: If only one Work Form is associated with the Contract and a System Element Type, that Work Form will populate automatically. If no Work Form (or multiple Work Forms) apply, the User will be prompted to "Select Form..."
          1. Work Form must be associated with selected Contract.
          2. Work Form must be associated with Selected System Element Type.
          3. If the selection options do not include the form(s) you're looking for, check the Work Form definitions and make sure they include necessary system element type and contract associations.
        2. Location - Select one or multiple Location(s) using the standard Location selector.
  5. When complete, select OK at the bottom of the New Group form.

New PM Group Annotated

Uploading a List of System Elements

When defining the System Elements under the PM Group scope, you may save time by uploading a file with the listed System Elements instead of selecting System Elements one by one.

  1. Upon selecting List of System Elements as your method for identifying System Elements, click the Upload System Elements button.
  2. InfraLink will present the Import System Elements / Forms form. Populate all required fields.
    1. Top Level System - Required for newly created System Elements only
    2. Base Location - Used as the default Location for newly created System Elements if no Location specified within the import file.
    3. File - If all System Elements within your import file already exist in InfraLink, File is the only required field.
  3. Once all required fields are complete, select Import at the bottom of the form.
    1. If InfraLink finds errors in the data file, a Processing Error(s) summary will be provided.  All errors must be corrected before the import file will be accepted.
    2. If InfraLink finds no errors in the data file, the listed System Elements will be populated to the PM Group scope.

Import System Elements Form

File Format

Before you can upload a list of System Elements to your PM Group Scope, you must prepare a properly formatted file in comma-separated values (CSV) format.

  • The first line of the file should include the proper column names/headers (see below).
  • Subsequent lines should include details for the System Elements to be added to the PM Group Scope.

Column Name/Header


Device_IDRequired. Specify the System Element Name. IT must be entered exactly as it is shown in InfraLink, as the upload function uses this name to identify and add the System Element.

Optional. Specify the Location Path (Example:  "/Area 1/Building 2/Room 123"). If the Location is specified, InfraLink will look for the System Element with the name matching that specified in the Device_ID column and with a Location matching that path.

Note: The Location Path is added to the path specified as the Base Location on the file upload form. For instance, if the Base Location is specified as "USA / VA" and the System Element location included in the file is specified as "Sterling/LG4/300", InfraLink will look for System Elements located at "USA / VA / Sterling / LG4 / 300".


Optional. You can use this column to specify the Work Form to be used for the particular System Element. The Work Form name must be entered exactly as it is shown in InfraLink, as the upload function uses this name to identify and add the Work Form.

Note: If there is only one Work Form defined for the particular System Element Type, you do not need to specify a Work Form name, as it will be selected automatically.

Import Exceptions

Populating System Elements to the PM Group scope via file import can be a valuable time saver, but efficiency will depend on the accuracy of data within the CSV file and prerequisite configuration within InfraLink.

Data errors will result in a failed import. All identified processing errors must be corrected before the list of System Elements will import. InfraLink does not process partial imports.

SE Forms Import Processing Errors

Cloning a PM Group

In some situations, the creation of a new PM Group may be quickly accomplished by cloning an existing PM Group. This option is most often utilized when the new PM Group will vary only slightly from an existing PM Group. To accomplish this, you would create a clone of the existing Group, incorporate the necessary modifications, and save as a new Group with a unique name.

  1. Access the Main Menu from the Top-Level Navigation toolbar.
  2. Select Manage Groups from within the PM, Inspect, Test stack.
  3. From the PM, Inspection, Testing Groups grid view, select the existing Group you wish to clone.
    1. User may need to apply filters to locate the desired PM Group.
  4. Click the Clone button at the top of the top of the view. This will open the Clone Group form.
    1. Form field entries and selections will mirror that of the existing PM Group, but the Status field will be set to Draft.
  5. By default, the form will list the Name as "Copy of..." the existing group. Enter a new PM Group name that is clearly distinguishable.
  6. Edit other fields in the General or Scope sections, as needed.
    1. Reference the Creating a PM Group section above for field-specific guidance.
  7. When changes are complete, select the OK at the bottom of the Clone Group form.

Change to Contract Selection

As the Contract selection for a PM Group determines the values available for other configuration fields, editing the Contract selection with the Clone Group form can impact existing selections. When a User does change the Contract selection, InfraLink will warn the User, "Contract has been changed. Incompatible PM Group properties will be removed. Do you want to continue?" before implementing the change.

Editing a PM Group

To prevent discrepancies, InfraLink will not allow changes to a PM Group that is Active status. If you need to make changes to an existing PM Group:

  1. From the PM, InSpection, Testing Groups grid view, select the desired PM Group.
  2. Select Deactivate from the commands at the top of the grid view.
  3. InfraLink will display a warning, "One or more PM Rules will be changed to inactive. PM Tasks, Cases and WTs in initial state generated for these rules will be deleted. Do you want to continue?"
  4. Select Yes.
  5. Select the inactive PM Group.
    1. Note: User may have to adjust Status filter to include inactive PM Groups within the grid view.
  6. Select Edit to open the Edit Group form.
  7. Modify the desired PM Group settings.
  8. Enter a note in the Comments field (* required) related to the change.
  9. Change the Status back to Active once all configuration changes have been completed.
  10. Click OK at the bottom of the form.
  11. InfraLink will prompt the User, "Parameters of PM Cases generation have been updated. Do you want to regenerate PM tickets?"
  12. Click Yes to apply changes to PM Tasks that are in the default initial Status (i.e., not yet in progress).

Impacts of PM Group Edits

Because the PM Generator may create PM Intervals (i.e., Cases) in advance, based on PM Group definitions, edits to a PM Group's schedule and/or scope should be applied to already-created PM Cases that are not yet in progress. For this purpose, the PM Generator determines:

  • if the Case Due Date is greater than the PM Generator Start Date/Time. (i.e., only updates the Cases scheduled to be completed in the future); and
  • if the Case Status is set to the default initial value (i.e., the Case is not yet in progress, no work on Tasks, no update made to Case record).

For each of such Cases, the PM Generator will

  • Remove Tasks that no longer match the PM Group scope (e.g. the system element type or location have changed and no longer match the criteria specified in the PM group)
  • Remove Tasks associated with System Elements that are marked as "Deleted"
  • Add Tasks associated with active (not deleted) System Elements that match the PM Group scope criteria (i.e., those which now match the PM scope but are not currently included in the PM Case being updated)
  • For each System Element, update the Work Form reference to match that specified in the PM Group (i.e., if Work Form definitions were edited within the PM Group scope)

Removing a PM Group From the Schedule

If a PM Group is no longer needed and the PM Generator should not schedule work based on the group's definitions, the PM Group Status should be changed to Inactive

Activate & Deactivate Widgets

While a PM Group Status can be modified using the Edit form, InfraLink also offers two useful commands atop the PM, Inspect and Testing Groups grid view: Activate and Deactivate.

Users can simply select the desired PM Group(s) within the grid and then use these widgets to quickly activate or deactivate the selected group(s).

InfraLink PM Generator

The InfraLink PM Generator generates PM Cases, including their associated Tasks, based on the requirements defined within active PM Groups. To, be clear, the PM Generator creates a separate PM Case for each occurrence of the work, as defined by the PM Group.

Sample PM Calendar

Daily PM Generator Runs

The PM Generator runs automatically on a daily basis. The default start time for the PM Generator is 2:00 AM (in the time zone specified for the InfraLink server). However, this start time may be adjusted by the Instance Administrator based on specific workload and usage patterns for the instance.

Manual PM Generator Runs

In some situations it may be necessary to run the PM Generator manually, without waiting for the scheduled daily run. For example, if one or more PM Groups are modified and the changes must take effect immediately, you may run the PM Generator manually so that the project team can start completing the associated PM Tasks.

Users with sufficient Permissions can run the PM Generator manually by:

  1. selecting one or multiple PM Groups within the PM, Inspecting, Testing Groups grid view,
  2. opening the Task Generator menu, and
  3. selecting the Run Task Generator option.

PM Generator Start Date


Access to InfraLink tools and features is controlled by User Permissions. All features may not be accessible by all Users. Contact your Instance Administrator regarding User Permissions. Permissions associated with tools and features described above include:

  • PM, Inspecting, Testing Groups Grid View Access: PM Rules → General → Read and PM Rules → General → Create, Delete, or Update
  • Creating PM Group: PM Rules → General → Read  and  PM Rules → General → Create
  • Cloning PM Group: PM Rules → General → Read  and  PM Rules → General → Create 
  • Editing PM Group: PM Rules → General → Read  and  PM Rules → General → Update
  • Deleting PM Group: PM Rules → General → Read  and  PM Rules → Delete
  • Manual PM Generator Run: PM Rules → PM Generator → PM Generator Launch

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