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Table of Contents


Access to IMMS tools and features is controlled by User Permissions. All features may not be accessible by all Users. Contact your Instance Administrator regarding User Permissions.


IMMS InfraLink maintains two Location databases: Installation/Service Locations and Storage/Warehouse Locations. The Instance Administrator defines the Location hierarchy for each Location database.

Every IMMS InfraLink Location will have a path. The Location path is provided as a sequence of values for Location Types, based on Location hierarchy. For Example, based on configured hierarchy, a room Location may include several Location Types in its path, such as: Area North Campus -> Building A -> Floor 03 -> Room 317. In this example, State, Area, Building, Floor and Room are all Location Types.

Locations can be created or updated via a properly formatted CSV file and the Import feature. This document will serve as a guide for the bulk creation or bulk update of Locations in IMMSInfraLink.

This article provides guidance on the following topics related to the bulk creation and bulk update of Location records in InfraLink.

Table of Contents


Access to InfraLink tools and features is controlled by User Permissions. All features may not be accessible by all Users. Contact your Instance Administrator regarding User Permissions.

Base Location

When creating or editing Locations using the Import feature, IMMS InfraLink will ask you to specify the Base Location. The Base Location is an existing Location that all imported Locations have in common and is based on the established Location Hierarchy. For example, you may be working with the following Location Hierarchy: Area → Building → Floor → Room and use the Import feature to create new Rooms in multiple Buildings. If your Import data file includes Locations in multiple Buildings, the Base Location would be an Area that all included Buildings have in common. That is, the Base Location will be a shared parent Location for all imported Locations.


Users can always reference the Location Hierarchy and allowed parent Locations for any Location Type from the Location Types view. To access this view, select "Manage Location Types" from the Configuration Baseline section of the Main Menu. Select a listed Location Type to open the respective Location Type Details panel. The details panel will specify the Allowed Parents for that Location Type.

Gliffy Diagram
nameLocation Type Allowed Parents
Image Removed

Data File for Locations Creation

For the bulk creation of Locations in IMMSInfraLink, the data to be imported must be contained in a properly formatted CSV file.


For example, you may use the /Type Multi-Column notation to create Locations for the Base Location “North Campus”, and the path for each new Location should include the following Location Types: “Building”, “Floor” and “Room”. For this Import, you would select the Base Location "North Campus", and the CSV file would be set up as follows: 


The first entry in the above data file sample would be interpreted as the Location Type “Room”. It would have the name “231” under the Location Type “Floor” with name “02”, which would exist under the Location Type “Building” with the name “A”.

Note: When importing Locations using the /Type Multi-Column notation, IMMS InfraLink will create a new Location for all imported path segments that do not currently exist in the Location database. Typographical and similar data errors can result in the creation of large numbers of erroneous Locations.


Using the Path and Name notation, your CSV file must include an Action column for the desired action “CREATE”. It must also include a column for the Location path associated with each new Location, with column header “Path”. For each new Location the “Path” field should include the entire Location path with each path segment separated by a backward slash (e.g., “Building A\Floor 02\Room 231”).

CREATEBuilding A\Floor 02Room231
CREATEBuilding A\Floor 02Room240
CREATEBuilding A\Floor 03Room311
CREATEBuilding B\Floor 01Room119

In the above data file sample, the first entry would be interpreted as the Location Type “Room”.  It would have the name “231” under the Location Type “Floor” with name “02”, which would exist under the Location Type “Building” with the name “A”.


For the bulk update of Locations in IMMSInfraLink, the data to be imported must be contained in a properly formatted CSV file.


Using the UUID notation to update existing Locations, your CSV file must include an Action column header for the desired import action “UPDATE”. The file must include the UUID column header. The UUID uniquely identifies the existing Location. With the UUID identified, a Name column header will provide the data field for renaming each listed Location. A Path column header will provide the data fields necessary to change Location position.


UUIDStateZip CodeCityDescription




22102TysonsChange address via import UUID


22102TysonsChange address via import UUID




22102TysonsChange address via import UUID




221025TysonsChange address via import UUID

In the above sample CSV file, the User is changing the City, State and Zip code associated with four uniquely identified Locations.


When updating Locations via bulk Import, the New Name column header can be used to rename existing Locations which are uniquely identified by UUID. The first column of the CSV file must include the Action column header for the desired action "UPDATE", and the UUID data field must be populated for each line of the data file.


UUIDNew Name







Note: When using the New Name data column, do not include a Path column in the same Import data file, as values from the two data fields may conflict as imported line items are processed.



When updating bulk records via the Import feature, Users typically start the process by exporting the applicable records from IMMSInfraLink. See the Exporting Data for Update section for more information.


Whether you are creating new Locations or updating existing Locations in IMMSInfraLink, you will follow these steps for importing the bulk data.


If there are any errors in the Import data file, IMMS InfraLink will alert you of these exceptions and reject the entire Import. That is, IMMS InfraLink will not partially process an Import.

All exceptions must be corrected in the data file before it can be imported. Correct exceptions in all specified line items and then repeat the Import steps listed above.

If IMMS InfraLink identifies no exceptions within the data file, your bulk data will be successfully imported, and IMMS InfraLink will return you to the view where you initiated your Import. The view should then include your new or updated records. The Import will also be listed in the Successfully Completed Imports list accessible via the "Show Completed" option under the Import button drop-down menu.
